About the Journal

Journal Title : MULTIPLE: Journal of Global and Multidisciplinary
E-ISSN : 2988-7828
Editor in Chief : Jumatriadi
Managing Editor : Arini Hariyati
Publisher : Institute of Educational, Research, and Community Service 
Publication frequency : 12 editions each year ( January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December)
Citation Analysis : Google Schoolar, Garuda, et al.

MULTIPLE: Journal of Global and Multidisciplinary is a periodic scientific publication published by the Institute of Educational, Research, and Community Service. The journal focuses on disseminating the latest knowledge across all disciplines. It covers various fields of study, including education, management, economics, computer science, social sciences, health sciences, humanities, applied sciences, community service, and others. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners from various disciplines to share knowledge, research findings, latest discoveries, and innovative ideas.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): MULTIPLE: Journal of Global and Multidisciplinary
Published: 2025-01-31


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