Author Guideline

The author must send the manuscript online by first registering as an author to the website

For every submitted article, the author is obliged to follow the terms and conditions in accordance with Style Guide of Journal Management Specialists

Before you submit your manuscript, it is highly recommended that you pre-evaluate it using an instrument we developed to help you get adequate peer-review process time.

Pre-Evaluation Criteria


Title: Straightforward, informative, and represents the contents of the article.


Abstract: Concise but at least contain the problem, purpose, method, essential findings, and implications of the research.


Keywords: Don’t use phrases, only words, 5 to 6 keyword is recommended.


Introduction: Directing the reader about the importance of the research. Presenting significant problems, a clear state of the art, gap analysis, and novel concepts to fill the gaps. End it with the purpose of research. 


Method: Reveals how research objectives are achieved with the appropriate tools, procedures, and stages.


Results:  Presenting experimental or survey data or any other data depends on the research type. The results are generally presented in clear and readable tables and figures.


Discussion: a good discussion is written as a dialogue that reveals the progress of the research in comparison to previous research.


Conclusion: Contains a summary of research results (the most critical research finding) related to the objectives written in the introduction.


References: Accountable, about 80% of the literature is from primary sources (reputable journals) and up to date (last 10 years). Use reference management tools.


Total score
